Large scrapbook with 50 leaves (100 sides). The pages are 200 gsm cartridge, so they are suitable for drawing and writing, as well as for sticking items to the pages. You can use both sides of the pages.
When a book is bound as an album it means there is a spacer (known as a compensation guard) between each page at the spine, which allows for items to be attached to the pages and prevent the book from bulging when it is full. The exact usable page area of each page in this album is 34 x 26 cm.
Large sewn albums have virtually disappeared from conventional retail outlets since the awkwardness of their construction makes them costly to produce. They are a wonderful expression of the bookbinder’s craft and are designed to be a sturdy tome that will give pleasure over many years of use.
The covers of this album are a design from Australian Aboriginal artist Liddy Napanangka Walker, and the design has been printed on khadi paper, made in India. Wakirlpirri (dogwood tree) is a very useful ttree that grows on the sides of creekbeds and near mulga trees. The seeds from this tree can be eaten raw or cooked on the fire. A sweet drink called yinjirrpi is made from the seeds when they have been dried. The wood can be used to make weapons such as karli (boomerangs) and dancing boards for ceremonies.